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Executive Team

Jim Dunford
President and CEO

Paul Higgins
Chief Operating Officer

Shawn Halford
Executive Vice President, Content
Vice President, Exchange & Digital Services

Judy Barlow
Executive Vice President, Growth

Dan Soles
Vice President
Syndication and Premium Service

Olivia Wong
Vice President
Marketing and Communications

Anand Kavalapara
Vice President

Board of Trustees

Lisa Trapani Shumate, board chair
Associate Vice President and General Manager
Houston Public Media

Rob Dunlop, board vice-chair
President and CEO
Cascade Public Media

Mare Mazur, board chair emeritus
President and General Manager
Vegas PBS

Linda O’Bryon, board treasurer
Principal, O’Bryon Media, LLC

Ronnie Agnew
General Manager
NJ Advance Media

C.C Copeland
President and CEO
Louisiana Public Broadcasting

Jim Dunford
President and CEO
American Public Television

Becky Magura
President and CEO
Nashville Public Television

Steve McGowan
Macatawa Media Partners

Anthony Padgett
General Manager
WOSU Public Media 

Ron Pisaneschi
Former General Manager
Idaho Public Television

Courtney Pledger
Executive Director and CEO
Arkansas PBS 

Candice Seiger
Marketing Consultant

Neal Shapiro
President and CEO
The WNET Group

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