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Producer Alerts

Zoom production guide now available

Learn more about using the Zoom platform to produce content. A new guide, courtesy of WNET, is now available. Read More »

Eligible APT producers: learn how you may be able to reclaim royalties

APT has teamed with Intermediary Copyright Services to help eligible APT producers claim their portion of government-collected royalties.
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APM Music is offering gratis use of their 850,000+ track catalog for selected non-profit/non-promotional COVID-19 related content

If your organization is producing: (1) Public Service Announcements (PSAs); or (2) media supporting 501(c) non-profit educational content, fundraising, or relief efforts related to the COVID-19 pandemic, please reach out to Zak Sirlin at APM Music to inquire about an APM Music gratis license: More »

Producers, download the APT outcue

APT's logo is available as an animated outcue. Please download it to use when packaging your programs.
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Industry award information

Get the recognition you deserve! Learn more about various award competitions, including deadlines and entry process.
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