Breakfast: In Conversation with Author, Historian and Journalist Mark Updegrove Details>> | Professional Development Sessions - South Florida PBS Experiential Learning Initiative, In Conversation with Kate Riley (APTS), and America’s 250th Civic Engagement Panel Details>> |
Happy Hour sponsored by BBC Studios Relax and unwind at the BBC Studios Happy Hour! Details>> | Opening Reception at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame sponsored by Folk Americana Roots Hall of Fame/The Boch Center (Note: guest tickets not available.) Enjoy the Opening Night Reception at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame! Details>> |
APT EXPO Meet talented hosts, learn about fantastic APT programs, and pick up some great giveaways. Details>> | Breakfast: Accessibility in Dance with Mickela Mallozzi's Bare Feet and a Performance From "Dancing Wheels" Learn how producers and stations can participatein in digitizing and preserving content for the American Archive of Public Broadcasting. Details>> |
Celebrate the Flavors of the Midwest with America the Bountiful -- Networking Break Take a break and celebrate the tastes of the Buckeye State and beyond. Details>> | Celebrate the Joy of Plant-Based Cooking at the Christina Cooks Networking Break Enjoy a bite of plant-based yumminess with Christina Pirello. Details>> |
Lunch sponsored by CREATE and WORLD Learn the latest exciting developments from the two multiplatform channels. Details>> | Lunch with the Silver Generation Details>> |
Networking Break sponsored by Shaking It Up: The Life & Times of Liz Carpenter At this networking break, celebrate the inspirational story of a trailblazing woman. Details>> | Networking Break sponsored by YOSHIKI Classical Live From Royal Albert Hall Enjoy refreshments and hear about Japanese rockstar and composer YOSHIKI’s new classical performance. Details>> |
Producers’ Professional Development Session 1 sponsored by Video Express - includes experts and success stories focusing on AI, Music Use and Clearances, Finance and Underwriting Please join us for information-packed sessions just for producers and program-connected professionals. Details>> | Producers’ Professional Development Session 2 sponsored by Intermediary Copyright Royalty Services - featuring a “Producer POV” panel, a seminar on thinking beyond broadcast, and more Please join us for information-packed sessions just for producers and program-connected professionals. Details>> |
Mia & Codie / Vegesaurs Breakfast sponsored by Studio 100 International, Epic Story Media and Moody Studios Enjoy a sneak peek of two new preschool shows, Mia & Codie and Vegesaurs. Details>>