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Stations Producers Viewers Press Educators Fall Marketplace APT Worldwide


Breakfast: In Conversation with Author, Historian and Journalist Mark Updegrove
Professional Development Sessions - South Florida PBS Experiential Learning Initiative, In Conversation with Kate Riley (APTS), and America’s 250th Civic Engagement Panel
Happy Hour sponsored by BBC Studios
Relax and unwind at the BBC Studios Happy Hour! Details>>
Opening Reception at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame sponsored by Folk Americana Roots Hall of Fame/The Boch Center (Note: guest tickets not available.)
Enjoy the Opening Night Reception at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame! Details>>
Meet talented hosts, learn about fantastic APT programs, and pick up some great giveaways. Details>>
Breakfast: Accessibility in Dance with Mickela Mallozzi's Bare Feet and a Performance From "Dancing Wheels"
Learn how producers and stations can participatein in digitizing and preserving content for the American Archive of Public Broadcasting. Details>>
Celebrate the Flavors of the Midwest with America the Bountiful -- Networking Break
Take a break and celebrate the tastes of the Buckeye State and beyond. Details>>
Celebrate the Joy of Plant-Based Cooking at the Christina Cooks Networking Break
Enjoy a bite of plant-based yumminess with Christina Pirello. Details>>
Lunch sponsored by CREATE and WORLD
Learn the latest exciting developments from the two multiplatform channels. Details>>
Lunch with the Silver Generation
Networking Break sponsored by Shaking It Up: The Life & Times of Liz Carpenter
At this networking break, celebrate the inspirational story of a trailblazing woman. Details>>
Networking Break sponsored by YOSHIKI Classical Live From Royal Albert Hall
Enjoy refreshments and hear about Japanese rockstar and composer YOSHIKI’s new classical performance. Details>>
Producers’ Professional Development Session 1 sponsored by Video Express - includes experts and success stories focusing on AI, Music Use and Clearances, Finance and Underwriting
Please join us for information-packed sessions just for producers and program-connected professionals. Details>>
Producers’ Professional Development Session 2 sponsored by Intermediary Copyright Royalty Services - featuring a “Producer POV” panel, a seminar on thinking beyond broadcast, and more
Please join us for information-packed sessions just for producers and program-connected professionals. Details>>
Mia & Codie / Vegesaurs Breakfast sponsored by Studio 100 International, Epic Story Media and Moody Studios
Enjoy a sneak peek of two new preschool shows, Mia & Codie and Vegesaurs. Details>>
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